Workaway Opportunities

Workaway Opportunities

Planning to travel overseas to North America? We welcome visitors and guest from overseas to stay with us and help us improve our hostels, organic farms, and community dwellings.


Hikers working on organic farm HELP US BUILD OUR HOSTELS

Some of our hostels are quite well developed, having been working with hikers and travelers for years. Others are more in their infancy, in need of basic construction and design to offer full services to other hikers. 


  • Organic Farm work
  • Cabin construction
  • Irrigation systems
  • Composting toilet design & installation
  • Yellow Deli baking & restaurant preps

We Love You!

We do not charge a set fee on staying in our hostel. We want to make it clear that money is not what we are after, it's not the driving influence in this endeavor. Instead, we are motivated by love. So if you stay with us, it's on a "for what it's worth" basis. We know you aren't rich and don't have a steady income while on the trail. But whatever you could do to help us keep the hostel going would be appreciated. We do have real costs in terms of food, utilities, and overhead. If you don't have any money, work trade is appreciated. Anything you can contribute back to the hostel for the sake of other hikers is very valuable. Thanks for staying with us!