About Us

About Us

A part of the international network of Bible-based communities known as the Twelve Tribes. Our life of togetherness: living together, taking our meals together, having a common purse — closely parallels the early believers in the Book of Acts. We believe in sustainability and want to eat in a healthy way, thus we are becoming more agrarian with organic farms and gardens in our locations. We recognize the many social ills of modern society and hope to be part of a sustainable solution.

What we offer:

  • Donation or work-in-trade requested, but not necessary
  • Dormitory-style bunk sleeping
  • Communal style meals
  • Warm showers & clean laundry facilities
  • Great conversation with your hosts, at all hours of the day & night!

Please come for a day or to stay! We love to have guests.

Twelve Tribes Communities

Our hostels are run volunteer members of the Twelve Tribes Communities. We have communal households throughout the world in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. Our life together is modeled after the early believers in the Book of Acts in the Bible. They took all their meals together, worked together, shared all property in common, held a common purse, and lived a selfless life of serving one another.

Our Communities

Unintentional Communities

Organic Farms
